50% 2025 IPL Sport Refund
Dozer Demolish is a building destruction game where you get to raze a cওity to the ground with your bulldozer!
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(Android - For most Android based phones and tablets.
Seeꦺ download page for specific requirements.)
(iOS - For most iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
See download page for ꦇspecific requirements.)
Dozer Demolish, a building destruction game, is your new favorite d🃏estruction simulator in which you destroy buildings with your bul꧒ldozer and shatter the city!
Prepare to embark on a rewarding trip to dem💎olish various structures in a SUPER rewarding manner! This isn't one of those de🥃struction games where you just take a wrecking ball and smash a city! This is the destruction simulator we've all been looking forward to!
You'll need to manage your own constructionꦉ company and pull down and damage buildings all across town with your bulldoze⛄r! Make sure to spend your hard earned money on upgrading all of your equipment in order to be as efficient as possible in this building destruction game! Take your time and relax as you drive your bulldozer through town, or try, if you can, to deconstruct all of the structures in one of the most addictive demolition games!
50% 2025 IPL Sport Refund