50% 2025 IPL Sport Refund
Construct a House, Furnish Your Home, Marry, and Raise ꦰthe Kids.
(Android - For most Android based phones and tablets.
See download page for spec🐻ific requirements.)
(iOS - For most iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
See dow🐻nload page for specific requireꦏments.)
Want to raise a new family without the added expense? Then give Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House a tour. You'll discover a variety of little people living inside the depths of your computers and mobile devices. They need someone to help guide them through the ups and downs of life, provide a good home, and maybe find that special someone.
Are you up to it? Do you think you have what it takes to adopt another family and show it the ropes from a computer screen? Their happiness, health and well-beings are literally in your hands, so you'd better decide wisely!
You'll start things off by adopting your virtual protégé. These people each come with their own unique appearances, skill sets, assets, interests and plans for the future. Choose wisely what kind of person you want to adopt, for it will set the course for the rest of your game.
You're not playing Virtual Families 2 just to take care of one person. Over time, your little virtual friend will yearn for companionship. It will be up to you to find the right person for him or her, and to guide the two souls through a long and fruitful life.
Home is where the heart is. Unfortunately, your home is going to need a lot of heart put in before it feels that way. It's damaged in most places, contaminated in others, and pretty bare all around. With enough hard work, your virtual family will be able to turn this place into a dream house that will be the envy of all the other people on your computer.
You can't put a price on love, which you'll find in great abundance with Virtual Families 2. There's a lot of depth in how the lives of these virtual people will unfold, and there are a lot of ways their home can be made.
With equal parts virtual life and interior decoration, there's a lot of enjoyment to be found here for nurturing gamers everywhere.
50% 2025 IPL Sport Refund